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It’s Time to Make Changes to Your Business Practices When…

December 09, 20224 min read

“You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending .” - C.S. Lewis

It's the end of the year and everyone is talking about habits, aren't they? We're so very aware we need to drink more water, eat more vegetables, read more books, etc... and we spend a lot of time figuring out how to make better habits. Trackers, groups, journals, and more prove we are committed to improving how we meet our goals with consistency.

Our business practices are habits too. Consistency is marketing and service is what fills funnels and builds your brand. But the business practices we have are often more like short-term solutions that have become the standard. All too often the survival practices we pick up as entrepreneurs that get us through uncertainty find themselves in the SOPs.

"If it isn't broken, don't fix it" keeps many business owners from making the necessary changes to their business practices because they don't recognize problems that are symptoms of larger issues. They pour time and money into the illusions of change, like new marketing and tools. But unless the root cause is addressed, the symptoms will continue.

With that said, here are 4 symptoms of outdated business habits that signal a need for change

1. Your business rules your life

If your clients are calling, texting, or emailing at all hours of the day, expecting you to answer, your business is ruling your life. Boundaries are important to your wellbeing and clients should know upfront that you are not on call 24/7. You are a coach, not a first responder. Even first responders get time off! Set your boundaries (aka business hours) from the start or implement them now.

2. You feel burnt out

Business burn out comes when you are solely responsible for completing every task. Or when you don’t set boundaries. Or when work infringes on your family time. The ultimate result is you end up physically sick and/or you want to throw in the towel and quit. Your brain and body need down time to relax and regroup, which is why a good night’s sleep is so important to physical health. Constantly thinking about business without a break is a natural case for burn out. Outsource your admin tasks, social media, and/or marketing tasks. Leave work at the office, even if it’s your home office.

3. You don't have free time for family, friends, & interests

Your friends and family will certainly complain if you fall off the face of the earth working your business but these complaints may one day turn to resentment. A spouse may resent being the sole caregiver while you work all hours of the day. Your kids may feel you love the business more than them. Your friends may get tired of issuing invitations if they think your business takes top priority. Without a strong support structure, your efforts to build a legacy may leave you alone in the world.

4. You spend more time on admin tasks than with clients

If your primary purpose of starting a coaching business is to help others, then why are you spending more time on administrative tasks than coaching clients? Yes, you need to market yourself to obtain new clients but implementing your marketing strategy can certainly be done while you are with your clients. Hiring a marketing strategist can help you stay focused on your clients instead of worrying so much about where to find your next client. 

Do you ever experience these symptoms? What do you think the root causes might be?

What to do when you see the symptoms

It seems crazy to say but - stop doing what you're doing. It isn't working and no amount of hope, affirmations, checklists, or guru strategies will fix it because those are just band-aids for symptoms. It's time to identify and address the root core problems.

Not sure how? That means it's time to talk to a subject matter expert, like me.

My Assess, Apply, Adjust framework is a simple but powerful method of root cause analysis that walks you through creating the best possible business processes. It's based on your custom needs and resources and designed to get you un-stuck right now.

It all begins with a 90 minute 360-business view, my Start Where You Are assessment, to determine what's most important to you, what's holding you back, and what you need to get your business operations aligned with your goals. Visit to set up your tactics call today so you can stop changing symptoms and start making progress.

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Jeanne Francis

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